Tomato Bar

785 Tomato varieties
with multiple virtues

Weather permitting (from June to September), the Bar à Tomates © takes up residence in the dahlia garden. An open-air kitchen at the foot of a bed of multicolored dahlias, lunch in an unforgettable setting: from mid-June to the end of September, the Bar à Tomates offers the wonders of the kitchen garden, sublimated according to the chef’s inspiration! In pre-season (April, May), is relocated in the tea room.

For guests and visitors to the Château, the vegetable garden and orchard offer a wealth of plants, fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs to taste. The Dahliacolor offers fresh tomato and fruit juices from the garden, herbal teas, tomato salads (according to the garden’s production) and amazing soups, as well as typical fresh local products (goat’s cheese, rillons….).

The Bar à Tomates is also a place of conviviality and exchange, so don’t hesitate to ask the chef for cooking tips, or the gardeners for advice on organic gardening in the traditional way.

Depending on the weather and outside temperature, the service may be moved to the tearoom.

Opening hours: 11:00 am – 5:30 pm
Lunch: 12:00 – 15:00

Dinner: 7:00-9:00 pm (for hotel guests only)

Open from mid-April to the end of September.

Reservations required on 02 47 45 16 31 or at the château ticket office.

To access the Tomato Bar, you’ll need to pay the entrance fee for the parks and gardens tour. Click here to find out more.