Created in 1998 by Louis Albert de Broglie, this collection, unique in the world, brings together 700 varieties of tomato, offering an unprecedented panorama of this fruit with its unsuspected riches.
The idea was born during trips to India and Asia, where the first seeds were brought back. Collectors and botanical gardens from all over the world have subsequently enriched the conservatory. Round, elongated or heart-shaped, black, green or yellow, these heirloom tomatoes have astonishing names: Ten Fingers from Naples, Red from Iraq, Erika from Australia, Cornue from the Andes…
By highlighting the natural wealth of our planet, Louis Albert de Broglie’s aim is to enable a very wide audience to see, understand and learn about the challenges of preserving this biodiversity, in order to pass on to future generations the essential foundations for the survival of species.
Here is the list of seeds sold in the boutique, subject to availability. Postal delivery, at your own expense, is possible with a minimum purchase of 10 seed sachets (each sachet containing around 20 seeds is sold for 5 euros), please contact us by phone or e-mail.
A la boutique du Château, vous retrouverez plus de 375 variétés de graines récoltées en Septembre 2022 au Conservatoire.
Approved by the conservatory of specialized plant collections
Un conservatoire pour s'émerveiller, comprendre et partager...
The hotel is open from March 13 to November 10 and from December 28 to January 2, and all year round on request for weddings, groups and seminars.
Rooms from €124 to €353 per night, apartments from €211 per night.
The hotel has a room for disabled guests.
No picnics allowed.
The gardens are open to the public from April 1 to April 30 and from October 1 to October 31, from 11am to 6pm; from May 1 to September 30, from 10am to 7pm.
Boutique Prince Jardinier, tearoom or Bar à Tomates®, weather permitting.
Dogs welcome, on leash.
25, rue de La Bourdaisière
37270 Montlouis sur Loire , France
Tel: +33(0)2 47 45 16 31
Email :
GPS coordinates :
Latitude 47.368621 – Longitude 0.836061
Château Hôtel de La Bourdaisière © 2024